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Statement of Position

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  • Statement of Position

Lotte Insurance assures satisfaction to stockholders and investors through sincere and transparent management and the status as a solid company.

We will continue to make the best effort to achieve a great leap as the best financial company based on trust and affection of our customers.

  • (Unit : KRW Million)

Statement of Position (Unit : KRW) //LOTTE INSURANCE CO., LTD

Statement of Position
Line Item 2021.12.31 2020.12.31
Ⅰ. Cash and Deposit 245,340 257,921
Ⅱ. Financial asset 7,791,450 7,299,660
Ⅲ. Reinsurance asset 677,411 774,070
Ⅳ. Property,Plant & Equipment 92,965 112,578
Ⅴ. Investment properties 482 76,176
Ⅵ. Intangible asset 29,087 38,932
Ⅶ. Current tax assets - 15,339
Ⅷ. Deferred tax asset 23,454 -
Ⅸ. Un-amortization of deferred acquisition cost 575,718 477,174
Ⅸ. Other asset 10,760 13,007
XI. Net defined benefit asset 4,759 3,811
XII. Separate account asset 9,459,764 7,279,505
Total assets 18,911,190 16,348,179
Ⅰ. Insurance contract liabilities 7,649,463 7,464,894
Ⅱ. Financial liabilities 587,617 574,725
Ⅲ. Current tax liabilities 32,858 -
Ⅳ. Deferred tax liabilities - 14,629
Ⅴ. Other liabilities 17,232 15,708
Ⅵ. estimated liabilities 2,145 3,231
Ⅵ. Separate account liabilities 9,619,853 7,328,452
Total liablities 17,909,168 15,401,641
Ⅰ. Capital stock 310,336 310,336
Ⅱ. Capital surplus 379,817 379,817
Ⅲ. New type capital stock 45,370 51,872
Ⅳ. Other capital adjustment -1,127 -1,135
Ⅴ. AOCI -48,102 76,868
Ⅵ. Retained earnings 315,728 128,779
Total equities 1,002,022 946,538
Total liabilities & equities 18,911,190 16,348,179